Sunday, September 20, 2009

Junji Miyazawa Teapot

I recently posted about this teapot on my other blog, Urban Velo. It was a gift from my friend, coworker and pottery mentor, Junji Miyazawa. This past week I was really sad because his contract expired. Then just this weekend I learned that he's been re-hired as the new ceramics studio tech.

I'm ecstatic. Quite selfishly, it's in part because Junji's the only person at MCG who consistently wants to get Asian food for lunch, and definitely the only person who can truly appreciate Korea Garden, or who's ready to visit Lucy for bánh mì at the drop of a hat.

Click here to read more about the teapot.


  1. Cool teapot!

    I love Chinese food. GOOD Chinese food.

    Thanks for posting on my Blog Blast Thread.

    Following you :-)

  2. nice design! i love to ride my bicycle

  3. Lovely teapot, traditional form yet modern too, indeedy!


  4. The teapot is perfect, love its shape and the graphics on it.
    I quite understand where you're coming from...I hate eating alone and it is always great to have a friend that enjoys the same cuisine and same restaurants...seems to make the food taste that much better.
